Feet on the Ground and Touching the Sky
Guided Presentation Preparation for Authors and Illustrators
In the few minutes before you take the stage, climb onto the podium or enter the room to give your presentation, speech, or interview, it's easy to allow your nerves to take over, both emotionally and physically. Using this short Guided Preparation track, I'll help you use some physical strategies to release your tension and reset your emotions so you feel excitement instead of nerves.
Below is an audio file for you to listen to. This isn’t meditation or hypnosis, just a way to open up your imagination to new possibilities in your mindset around public speaking. Even so, stand somewhere you can close your eyes safely, where there are no distractions, and you feel able to focus inwards for a few minutes. And please, promise me that you won’t listen to this when you are driving or working heavy machinery.
So please, find your quiet space and click below to begin . . .